
Data sharing policy

19 Feb 2024

The RENAG GNSS network

The RENAG network data are public and free of use, distributed under license CC-BY 4.0. They are available to all users as observation files in compressed RINEX format. The data are sampled with an interval of 30s. These data can be obtained through the anonymous https server in  RINEX 2 format (still available for some time) : and in RINEX 3 format: A certain number of stations collect data with a 1s sampling rate, accessible on the same server: in RINEX 2 format and in RINEX 3 format.

If you use data from RENAG in one of your publications, please mention in the list of references the data, the portal providing the data and the Data Distribution Service (following the Epos-France data distribution policy):

Epos-France (2023). RENAG French national Geodetic Network. Epos-France. Doi:10.15778/resif.rg (2022). Registry of Research Data Repositories (2022). RENAG-DC. Doi:10.17616/R31NJN5L

and the following mention in the acknowledgements :

« Data are provided by the Research Infrastructure Epos-France ( The network from which this data originates is the Rénag network. They were made available for scientific use under the Geodata-INSU-CNRS agreement and distributed by the Rénag data center. ».

If the data were discovered from the EPOS-GNSS data portal, please mention for completeness:

"The data were discovered from the EPOS-GNSS data portal".

Complete citations to be added in the reference list (bibtex file):

Epos-France (2023). RENAG French national Geodetic Network. Epos-France. Doi:10.15778/resif.rg (2022). Registry of Research Data Repositories (2022). RENAG-DC. Doi:10.17616/R31NJN5L


GEODATA/ORPHEON data more recent than one year are conditionally available for scientific applications, please contact the persons in charge of the SNO RENAG and of the RENAG data center for more information.

Older data from the GEODATA/ORPHEON network are distributed under license CC-BY NC 4.0 through the Rénag Data center :
If you use data from the ORPHEON network in one of your publications, you must mention the following (Epos-France data distribution policy):

« ORPHEON GNSS data are provided by the Research Infrastructure Epos-France ( ORPHEON GNSS data were provided to the authors for a scientific use in the framework of the GEODATA-INSU-CNRS convention and distributed by the Rénag data center (, 2022).»

Complete citations to be added in the reference list (bibtex file):

Epos-France (2023). RENAG French national Geodetic Network. Epos-France. Doi:10.15778/resif.rg (2022). Registry of Research Data Repositories (2022). RENAG-DC. Doi:10.17616/R31NJN5L

The CENTIPÈDE GNSS low-cost RTK oriented network

Data from permanent stations of the Centipède network are rinexed from the RTK corrections at the Rénag data center. Rinex data are available either at 30s or at 1s and usable under licence CC BY 4.0. Partnership agreement is available on line.