1) Motivations The French RENAG (REseau NAtional GPS permanent, a National Observatory Service of the Institut National des Sciences de l'Univers, INSU) aims at installing and maintaining over the long term a network of permanent GPS stations for scientific applications. GPS tropospheric measurements are intrinsically stable, so that long term observations represent a significant contribution to climatological studies. The RENAG GPS data base starts in 1998 and comprises now 70 sites. One condition for exploiting GPS data for climatology is, however, the use of a homogeneous data analysis strategy over the total observation span. The aim of our work is to achieve a re-analysis of the RENAG data, completed by French and Italian stations around the Mediterranean and the Alpine border region, providing a coherent time series of tropospheric parameters for each of the 180 selected stations. This re-analysis is done in particular as the RENAG contribution to HyMeX, with the goal to make available high quality geodetic observations of the troposphere to the community of meteorologists and climatologists. 2) General informations about the datasets This database contains the Zenith Total Delay (ZTD) every 2h for 181 GPS stations in Europe. The values are given in meters. The Integrated water vapour can be calculated from the ZTD using the measured (or modelled) pressure and temperature at the ground (Bevis et al., 1992 ; Emardson and Derks, 2000). The gradients North-South and East-West are estimated 7 times a day (i.e every 3:26 ). They are in meters, and correspond to the definition given in the GAMIT Reference Manual (Herring et al., 2010 : http://www-gpsg.mit.edu/~simon/gtgk/GAMIT_Ref.pdf ) : the gradient North-South (East-west) is the difference between the slant delay calculated at 10 degres elevation toward the North (East) and toward the South (West). For each measurement the calculated RMS error is also provided. The data processing have been made using 3 different network (due to limitation of the GAMIT software used for data processing). Some station have been processed within the 3 networks. More informations about the data processing and quality control are given in Sguerso et al. (2014). ASCII and netcdf format are available. Within each network, There is one yearly ASCII file for each station. All the times are given in UTC. The file contains the day since the 31/12/1997 (doy_1998, 1.000 corresponds to 1st Jan 1998 at 00:00:00 UTC), the decimal day of year in the curent year. In the ASCII files there is no flag for missing data and hence the timestep between two consecutuve datapoint is not constant. There are two netcdf files for each network, one containing the gradients and one containing the ZTDs. Contrary to the ASCII files the netcdf file contain a missind value flag (_FillValue) and the timestep is constant (2 hours for the ZTD and 24/7 hours for the gradients). 3) Citation Sguerso, D., Labbouz, L., Walpersdorf, A., 2013. 14 years of GPS troposheric delays in the French-Italian border region: a data base for meteorological and climatological analyses, Int. Arch. Photogramm. Remote Sens. Spatial Inf. Sci., XL-5/W3, 7.14, https://doi.org/10.5194/isprsarchives-XL-5-W3-7-2013 Open Access 4) Contact information Domenico Sguerso Department of Civil, Chemical and Environmental Engineering, Universitài Genova, Via Montallegro 1, 16145 Genova, Italy - domenico.sguerso@unige.it Andrea Walpersdorf Universitéoseph Fourier, 1381, Rue de la piscine, 38041 Grenoble Cedex 9, France - andrea.walpersdorf@univ-grenoble-alpes.fr Laurent Labbouz Laboratoire de Meteorologie Physique - Clermont University and CNRS - Clermont-Ferrand, France Curently at Department of Physics, University of Oxford, UK. labbouz@atm.ox.ac.uk l.labbouz@gmail.com