Test on Caire Gros Montain, reference site of the Marie sur tinée OMIV Landslide. Antennas located on the roof of a 2nd world war bunker at the same location of CGRO00FRA RENAG station. We used an Ashtech splitter to connect CGRO and GPS0 receiver to the same antenna. Antex file with low-cost antenna can be download here: https://geodesy.noaa.gov/ANTCAL/LoadFile?file=ngs14.atx Warning: The GPS1 receiver is setup with 10s observating rate, this produce a time shift with nominal 30s sampling rate. GPS0 Receiver: Ublox ZED-F9P (Ublox C099-F9P board) GPS0 Antenna: Trimble Zephyr geodetic model 2 with TZGD radome (TRM57971.00 TZGD) GPS1 Receiver: Ublox ZED-F9P (Ardusimple simpleRTK2B board) GPS1 Antenna: Harxon GPS500 (HXCGPS500) removed on 2021/06/29 GPS1 Antenna: Ardusimple AS-ANT2B-CAL-L1L2-15SMA-00 (AS-ANT2BCAL) Since 169/2024: GPS1 station removed GPS0 receiver replaced by CGRO01FRA CGRO01FRA receiver: Septentrio MosaicX5 (Ardusimple simpleRTK3B PRO board) CGRO01FRA antenna: Trimble Zephyr geodetic model 2 with TZGD radome (TRM57971.00 TZGD) Splitter: Ashtech (model unknown) Contact renagdc@oca.eu for more informations.